Forms, Resources, and Policies
Forms, Resources, and Policies Portal
Looking for an RSO HogSync Form?
Forms are listed on the RSO HogSync page.Trademark/Licensing for Printed Items with Logos/Phrases
RSO's are not allowed to use academic logos, including trademarked phrases, graphics, and symbols of the University of Arkansas, except when identifying the RSO as: "RSO group name at the University of Arkansas".
- Licensed vendors should be used for ALL items created with University of Arkansas IP.
- For a list of licensed vendors:
- The official color is PMS 201C, with alterations permitted with prior approval (e.g., pink Razorbacks logo for breast cancer awareness).
- The outline of the Razorbacks Athletics marks should always be darker than the body color of the Hog.
PERMITTED (All require a case-by-case review)
- “RSO Name at the University of Arkansas®” is allowed.
- RSOs may use the following registered marks:
- The word “Arkansas®”
- The Razorback logo (running/helmet logo)
- Branding and sponsors conflicting with University policy.
- University marks paired with third-party organizations, unless tied to a campus program or event.
- Academic logos, including trademarked phrases, graphics, and symbols.
- Organization products may not imply a University of Arkansas endorsement of non-university entities, products, or political candidates.
- Discrimination or references to gambling, alcohol (in a non-educational manner), tobacco, illegal substances, violence, weapons, profanity, or sexually explicit designs are prohibited.
RSO Policies
General Policies- Code of Student Life: Student Organizations and Activities
- Fayetteville Policies and Procedures
- Non-discrimination policy
- If you invite an outside business to a meeting, it may be acceptable, but businesses cannot offer products or sponsorships to RSOs without permission. See the Commercial Solicitation Policy.
CopyrightRSO Resources
Resources available to your RSO. Event-specific resources can be found on the Event Planning page.